Thursday, June 9, 2011

Community Garden

My street is awesome. My neighbors, more specifically, are awesome. We grill together, play cornhole in the street, have each other's backs... you catch my drift. I like living here.

One of my neighbors, Meeg, had this great idea about making a garden in this big open grassy area on the street that we affectionately call "Dogland." She planned everything & put it all together, and we all threw some money at her, and voila, we had a garden.

We spent a day filling our beds with Leafgro (pictured above), then we spent another day shopping for plants & then had a little planting party. It involved beer. Aww yea. On that day (err, night), me & Dennis' bed looked like this:


So tiny. After a couple more weeks of gratuitous watering, our bed looked like this:

Not such a great comparison picture, but you can see that our plants have started sprouting up.


Why I keep taking these pictures at night, and at weird angles, I don't know.

Yesterday (6-8-11) I finally decided to go out with my camera (not my phone) and take some pictures during the day. I got some great shots of developing plants that are just starting to bear fruit. Yay!

Banana peppers

Purple Trinidad coffee peppers

Cayenne peppers


And finally, one wide shot of the whole garden, taken today.
What a difference! We haven't eaten anything from our garden yet (except that little carrot, which tasted... like a carrot) but hopefully we'll be able to harvest soon. Stay tuned for updates!!

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